Saturday, June 16, 2012


I did a lot of research for a TV once I knew I would be moving and need to replace my 53" non HD Sony which still works fine but is just to big for where I am moving to and it is not HD. I have watched Vizio grow as a company and I always liked thier priceing. This TV has a lot to offer and I will say up front sure you can find a better TV and pay a lot more for it but when you look at price point and features this TV wins hands down.

After months of research and reading reviews and weighing the pros and the cons I was certain I was going to get this TV but then things got dark for a few days Amazon my best price site had no more at the great price it when up almost $150.00. Then the sun came out and Amazon restocked a small quanity of them and before the end of the day one of them was mine. A few hours later they where sold out again and up went the price.

I got the TV and I am using it with my XBOX360 and I do use the apps on the TV. Both Amazon and Netflix and I have to say they work flawless. I have watched shows on both and over wifi I have no problem at all. The router is on the first floor of the house and I am on the second floor single strength is about 80%. I even streamed from VUDU their HDX 3D level with no problem.

My next step is to add my HD TIVO to the unit and then the final piece will be a PS3 or a nice Bluray 3D player have to see how the funds are doing to decide that one.

The Picture is extreamly clear the setting are easy to understand and the TV does automatic software updates. THe sound is ok if you are in a small to med size room but I will be putting a speaker system on it very soon. The inputs are easy to get to. I am very hard pressed to find somthing I do not like about this set.

Now I am no video professional I am just a guy that thinks the TV will blow most people away. The list of Apps is pretty good and to me everything with this TV is as it says it would be. Sure I could drop another $300 to $500 and get a bigger screen or say LED backlite but like many people money is hard to make these days and you want to get the best for what you can afford. For $630.00 to get a wifi 3D 42" 120hz HD TV please just try to find a better deal and yes even with Black Friday coming I think this is still one very very good price. Only place I seen close is BJ's which is $650.00 plus 7% sales tax

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